Screen placement

For to fix what's broke, and improve what ain't. Or something thereabouts.

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Re: Screen placement

Post by Kinak »

erfMortium wrote:Is it just me, or is the rendering of the screen slightly mismatched to the left? Seems like my text is hanging off the left side and I can't resize my window to sort it out...
Not something I've noticed, but most rendering stuff is browser-specific to one degree or another.

But feel free to post a screenshot or email one to me (kinak@ you can probably guess the rest). Be sure to include browser version and I'll see if there's anything I can replicate.

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Re: Screen placement

Post by Satan »

Occasionally, usually during high bandwidth stress, parts of the CSS that define the style of the page may be left out, which can lead to odd rendering consequences. Most likely this isn't repeatable, but it could be specific to a particular browser and just be a rare rendering bug. Mind posting the details if you remember? System and browser of when it happened and when it was fixed should be sufficient.
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